Monday, December 21, 2009

More Christmas feast...and December's Books!

This was the Delicious Plum Pudding that Libbie brought and the Bouche du noel that Libbie finely crafted into amazing christmas Art. She should get a prize for that one. We exchanged books this year like we did last year and these are the fun titles we are all reading now. We also discussed and decided together what six of next years books are going to be. It is sure to be a learning and growing year and I hope to continue it with all of you. This book club means so much to me and I love spending every minute with you guys and I hope years down the road we can look back and well...laugh, but appreciate the friendships we have shared together. Merry Christmas and as always Happy reading!

Christmas Dinner by Candlelight!

So our christmas Dinner this year was held at my house! Jen and Amanda helped with the decorating( thank you so much), and Briony, Libbie, and Jen helped prepare the delicious dinner we had. The Book we discussed was The Hunger Games. I liked the book because it had so many dimensions and was such a great adventure that seemed to cover everything. From Danger to intrigue, Love and survival! I personally have to say that I liked this book better than Twilight in a sense that I connected with the main character way better. I also read the second book which we tried not to discuss so as not to spoil it for those who hadn't, and loved it just as much.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October's book

This is an Awesomely fun book and I had so much fun devouring this book. Pick it up and start reading for the meeting on November 6th. I promise you won't be able to put it down.

The Actor and the Housewife Book Club Premiere!

We were inspired by Becky Jack and domestic abilities so we decided to have a service project wherein we each brought a pie to share with lonely neighbors. Of course we couldn't give them all away we had to devour some ourselves. We really love all of Shannon Hale's bookes, this is the third book we've reviewed together. Due to the controversial subject mater, this was the least favorite.

While we sampled the pies (we kept a key lime, a deep dish apple, and a pumpkin) we started the dialogue. To get the conversation started, we each put a question or discussion point on a slip of paper and then pulled them out one by one. The topics/questions varied drastically and the reaction was diverse to say the least. The opinions of Becky Jack varied greatly. Several members felt she was almost evil for fairly denying her testimony whereas other members did not see that at all. They felt Becky was a real person with real shortcomings who crossed a boundary line of which she should have been more aware.

We have a member who is struggling with a spouse in remission and so the saga of Becky and Mike hit especially close to home. To add humor and reality to a difficult situation, she and her husband talk about what should happen in the event the cancer returns--in terms of moving on with another person. Other members felt that if they were in a similar situation they would never move on with another spouse. There was a very robust conversation about who was right and if this is an appropriate conversation to have with your spouse.

We also briefly touched on the concept of "celebrity lists," meaning that if a certain person on your list presented himself, you would be "allowed" to have a relationship of some sort. Our book club consensus was that this is not appropriate for a committed relationship but almost everyone had a friend or family member who didn't agree with us and felt we were silly for thinking this way.

Overall, we didn't love this book but we did appreciate the honest conversations it brought about as well as the opportunity for each individual woman, as she read, to reflect on the state of her own marriage, her own values related to that marriage, and her feelings as a woman and individual in general. We all walked away from this book club meeting with a better understanding and appreciation for our own spouses.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

September's Book...and Contest!

There is a contest that Shannon Hale is doing for any book club that chooses this book as their selection so that is what we are doing and it is going to be big. So get reading and I would love everyone's participation to win and yes everyone will get a prize. So check back often for updates. Happy Reading!

the actor and the housewife in a bookclub near you! Read the actor and the housewife with your bookclub and then report the experience. I'll select the account that interests me the most (I know! Vague criteria!) and the winner will get a big ol' box of books, filled with my titles (signed) as well as others. Remember how exciting it was to go to school the day book orders came in? And getting that new stack of books? That's how it'll be. But even cooler. No real guidelines for this. You can write me an account, send me a link where you've posted photos, or make a video, or do any combination of the three. However you want. Shorter seems better, i.e. a 3000 word commentary or a 15 minute video can get boring. Email me the account (or link to it, if you post a video or a blog with photos), with the subject line "Actor and the Housewife contest" to squeetus (at) gmail (dot) com. Please no attachments. Contest runs through January 2010.

New Pretty Town Party

The Uglies and the New Pretties party it up together... Completely unheard of! Can you tell who is who?
We had to recruit a boy to play 6 man bingo, and then we shared our plum cobbler, peach cobbler, cookies, breadsticks, of course the root beer.
Libby had to change a diaper for losing at spoons! ( I bet that was weird for her...hee hee hee)
Katrina had to run around the house outside with a can of juice concentrate down her shirt!
Jen had to pick up Heber for losing at spoons... good luck with that one!
Our Spoon game where we were trying not to spell PIG!
The unpregnant team lost the beer pong game and had to kiss poor Heber.

We had a fantastic book club at Libby's house this month. She planned a kegger style party with drinking involved... Homemade Root Beer that is. It was so fun we were giggling the whole time.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August's Book


Book Club Party Bash

Monstrous Regiment
What an awesome book club party. It was so much fun talking about the book having past book club trivia, giving out prizes and the cake of course. Thanks everyone who came it was the best. more to come

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm in Austenland???

Our Lovely Garden Party

We had croquet on the lawn, drank delicious lemonade and talked of suitors and unmentionables. It was a jolly good time. And I didn't forget the lovely scones with jam and cream. Simply Marvelous!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July's Book

This is it... the chosen book for this next month. It is a "Landa Fav" so hope you enjoy this comedic adventure.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shannon Hale Book Signing

So I had so much fun with Landa at the Shannon Hale book signing. I made this apron special for the event, and look colin firth was even there... tee hee hee. She was so funny and someday I would like to just sit down and chat with her. I can't wait to read the new book and have our Austenland Lwan party and talk about her and the book. it will be fabulous!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June's book

Austenland By Shannon Hale

Scarlet Pimpernel Book Club Bash

We had this month's book club at Julie Nelson's house. We had a wonderful Crepe buffet and had the movie going on in her movie room downstairs. We had so much fun chatting and playing a game. i think it is funny that we find the funniest places to chat, like in the hallway of her downstairs. I just love you guys and I hope you had a good time. Welcome everyone who came for the first time and again thank you so much Julie. It was a blast. More photos later when I get them...